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T H E ・C O S M O S
Is always listening…
To what you are broadcasting: being the energy you emit.
By your thoughts and feelings.
Want to intensify your magnetic powers?
Set up a moon cycle ritual!
This week we have a full moon coming up.
During the full moon you’ll have extra support from the energies of the universe.
Now place your intentions into the field and feel how your future would feel like!
I’m super excited to attend a special full moon ritual tomorrow.
I have my intentions ready and written down!
To spark my creativity I’ve asked myself these questions:
What would it be like to…?
What if I was this person, living in this reality…?
How would I feel if I am living in this future….?
Many thanks to @hashtag_workmode and @emiliesobels for the full moon invite!
Watch my story for more info!
Want to intensify your magnetic powers?
Work with the cosmos to create your best life!
Love your Monday’s!
#cosmos #fullmoonritual #vollemaan #universum #wetvandeaantrekking #spiritualiteit #dromenwaarmaken #manifesteren #lifestylebloggers #kiesvoorgeluk #leefjemooisteleven #spiritjunkie #happinez

T H E ・C O S M O S . Is always listening… To what you are broadcasting: being the energy you emit. By your thoughts and feelings. . Want to intensify your magnetic powers? . Set up a moon cycle ritual! This week we have a full moon coming up. During the full moon you’ll have extra support from the energies of the universe. Now place your intentions into the field and feel how your future would feel like! . I’m super excited to attend a special full moon ritual tomorrow. I have my intentions ready and written down! To spark my creativity I’ve asked myself these questions: What would it be like to…? What if I was this person, living in this reality…? How would I feel if I am living in this future….? . Many thanks to @hashtag_workmode and @emiliesobels for the full moon invite! Watch my story for more info! . Want to intensify your magnetic powers? Work with the cosmos to create your best life! .
Love your Monday’s! . . . #cosmos #fullmoonritual #vollemaan #universum #wetvandeaantrekking #spiritualiteit #dromenwaarmaken #manifesteren #lifestylebloggers #kiesvoorgeluk #leefjemooisteleven #spiritjunkie #happinez

#cosmos #fullmoonritual #vollemaan #universum #wetvandeaantrekking #spiritualiteit #dromenwaarmaken #manifesteren #lifestylebloggers #kiesvoorgeluk #leefjemooisteleven #spiritjunkie #happinez

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