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If you woke up today not in a cell, without an ankle bracelet, if you woke up today period... you have another day and another opportunity to succeed, another day to work toward finding happiness and your purpose in life. Once you start measuring success in purpose, self-worth, altruism and strive to be the best you can be at what YOU want to be, then you will be moving toward true happiness. Don’t be fooled by all these celebs you follow on IG, there’s people with 1/10th the bank accounts of some of these people that are 100x more successful. If you measure success in dollars and materials you can spend an entire lifetime chasing this illusion of happiness. Just some words of wisdom for the gram. If you’re reading this I hope you find the motivation you need to take that leap of faith you’ve been dreaming about,.. start that company or start saving and put a plan in action to start it, lose that weight, go back to school, rescue all the pitbulls in the world, just do YOU 💯

If you woke up today not in a cell, without an ankle bracelet, if you woke up today period... you have another day and another opportunity to succeed, another day to work toward finding happiness and your purpose in life. Once you start measuring success in purpose, self-worth, altruism and strive to be the best you can be at what YOU want to be, then you will be moving toward true happiness. Don’t be fooled by all these celebs you follow on IG, there’s people with 1/10th the bank accounts of some of these people that are 100x more successful. If you measure success in dollars and materials you can spend an entire lifetime chasing this illusion of happiness. Just some words of wisdom for the gram. If you’re reading this I hope you find the motivation you need to take that leap of faith you’ve been dreaming about,.. start that company or start saving and put a plan in action to start it, lose that weight, go back to school, rescue all the pitbulls in the world, just do YOU 💯


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