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we’re providing you with a few tips to help you nail your threaded reverse lunge.

to set yourself up for this movement start by having the kettlebell by your side and holding the farthest corner of the kettlebell to make the transitions easier for you. Especially as you start to get into a good flow. ⠀

once you have locked the kettlebell in place by creating the tension needed you can begin the movement.

take a step back as you let the knee touch the ground.

this is where the second part of the movement happens. the step back gives you enough room for you to pass the kettlebell from one side to the other.

from there, push off your back foot and drive your front foot through the ground to return to the starting position. the kettlebell will now be on the opposite side. ⠀

you’ll repeat the same steps to return to the other side.

start light, take it slow and get comfortable while you groove this loaded movement pattern.

and you’re done.

kids! ⠀ we’re providing you with a few tips to help you nail your threaded reverse lunge. ⠀ to set yourself up for this movement start by having the kettlebell by your side and holding the farthest corner of the kettlebell to make the transitions easier for you. Especially as you start to get into a good flow. ⠀ once you have locked the kettlebell in place by creating the tension needed you can begin the movement. ⠀ take a step back as you let the knee touch the ground. ⠀ this is where the second part of the movement happens. the step back gives you enough room for you to pass the kettlebell from one side to the other. ⠀ from there, push off your back foot and drive your front foot through the ground to return to the starting position. the kettlebell will now be on the opposite side. ⠀ you’ll repeat the same steps to return to the other side. ⠀ start light, take it slow and get comfortable while you groove this loaded movement pattern. ⠀ and you’re done.


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