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Recent psychological research on the causes of Obsessive  Compulsive Disorder have proposed that a critical impairment in OCD may be the ability to flexibly and intentionally shift attention adaptively for some desired goal.

It is suggested that problems with cognitive flexibility may play a role in the symptoms and severity of OCD.  According to the research, individuals with diagnosed OCD are able to direct their attention intentionally, but have difficulty shifting attention to new, relevant stimuli and away from an extraneous stimuli (Chamberlain et al., 2006). This impairment has also been found to be significant in first-degree relatives of OCD patients compared to healthy controls.

Neuroimaging studies have extended this behavioural work on cognitive flexibility.  Without being too technical, parts of the brain appear to be significantly less activated in OCD patients in reversal learning-based tasks (Remijnse et al., 2006). Importantly, people with OCD make more mistakes when switching between tasks than non-OCD individuals, which has been tied to reduced activation of the dPFC, lateral OFC, ACC, and caudate in the brain (Gu et al., 2008). It is clear that struggling with changing thoughts & attention is part of OCD.  Challenging inflexibility and fixation thinking is important for your mental wellbeing &  healthy functioning.  If you find it difficult to disengage from the OCD thought spirals, it may be helpful to seek psychological counselling.

There are many theories being explored about OCD. For those who are interested:

Photo:  Spiral Sculpture At Cheonggye Plaza Seoul by Matt Kelley

June Gay Psychologist #psychologistchatswood #psychologydemystified #ocd #obsessivecompulsive #obsessed #anxietytreatment #anxietymanagement #anxious #anxietytreatment #mentalhealthresource #mentalillnessawareness #anxietytreatment #anxietyanddepression #mentalhealthadvice #mentalhealth #psychologyandmore #obsessivecompulsivedisorder #anxietydisorder #anxiety #symptomsofanxiety #rumination #ocdproblems #ocdawareness #ocdrecovery

OCD & ATTENTION Recent psychological research on the causes of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder have proposed that a critical impairment in OCD may be the ability to flexibly and intentionally shift attention adaptively for some desired goal. It is suggested that problems with cognitive flexibility may play a role in the symptoms and severity of OCD. According to the research, individuals with diagnosed OCD are able to direct their attention intentionally, but have difficulty shifting attention to new, relevant stimuli and away from an extraneous stimuli (Chamberlain et al., 2006). This impairment has also been found to be significant in first-degree relatives of OCD patients compared to healthy controls. Neuroimaging studies have extended this behavioural work on cognitive flexibility. Without being too technical, parts of the brain appear to be significantly less activated in OCD patients in reversal learning-based tasks (Remijnse et al., 2006). Importantly, people with OCD make more mistakes when switching between tasks than non-OCD individuals, which has been tied to reduced activation of the dPFC, lateral OFC, ACC, and caudate in the brain (Gu et al., 2008). It is clear that struggling with changing thoughts & attention is part of OCD. Challenging inflexibility and fixation thinking is important for your mental wellbeing & healthy functioning. If you find it difficult to disengage from the OCD thought spirals, it may be helpful to seek psychological counselling. There are many theories being explored about OCD. For those who are interested: Photo: Spiral Sculpture At Cheonggye Plaza Seoul by Matt Kelley June Gay Psychologist #psychologistchatswood #psychologydemystified #ocd #obsessivecompulsive #obsessed #anxietytreatment #anxietymanagement #anxious #anxietytreatment #mentalhealthresource #mentalillnessawareness #anxietytreatment #anxietyanddepression #mentalhealthadvice #mentalhealth #psychologyandmore #obsessivecompulsivedisorder #anxietydisorder #anxiety #symptomsofanxiety #rumination #ocdproblems #ocdawareness #ocdrecovery

#psychologistchatswood #psychologydemystified #ocd #obsessivecompulsive #obsessed #anxietytreatment #anxietymanagement #anxious #anxietytreatment #mentalhealthresource #mentalillnessawareness #anxietytreatment #anxietyanddepression #mentalhealthadvice #mentalhealth #psychologyandmore #obsessivecompulsivedisorder #anxietydisorder #anxiety #symptomsofanxiety #rumination #ocdproblems #ocdawareness #ocdrecovery

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