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I’m in a lot of pain.. I’m being injected with a radioactive dye they ordered from Charlotte, NC. I’ll lay down flat an hour to see If I have a leak from surgery. #Pray #Mom #Gallbladder #Pain #Operation #Tests #Hopsital #Hope #Breastfeedingmom #Pumpanddump #Babyonformula #Onlytemporary

I’m in a lot of pain.. I’m being injected with a radioactive dye they ordered from Charlotte, NC. I’ll lay down flat an hour to see If I have a leak from surgery. #Pray #Mom #Gallbladder #Pain #Operation #Tests #Hopsital #Hope #Breastfeedingmom #Pumpanddump #Babyonformula #Onlytemporary

#Pray #Mom #Gallbladder #Pain #Operation #Tests #Hopsital #Hope #Breastfeedingmom #Pumpanddump #Babyonformula #Onlytemporary

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