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Love dancing with my cousin @camille_freeman_ and loved our first duo by @kmaher56 ❤️ Thank you so much Kevin 🙌🏼 This dance was so perfect for us and we hope that @brianfriedman chooses us for his mentor program 🙏🏻 @ttalentc #dynamicdanceduo #dynamicdanceduocontest #dancingcousins #leanonme #codyandcamille

Love dancing with my cousin @camille_freeman_ and loved our first duo by @kmaher56 ❤️ Thank you so much Kevin 🙌🏼 This dance was so perfect for us and we hope that @brianfriedman chooses us for his mentor program 🙏🏻 @ttalentc #dynamicdanceduo #dynamicdanceduocontest #dancingcousins #leanonme #codyandcamille

#dynamicdanceduo #dynamicdanceduocontest #dancingcousins #leanonme #codyandcamille

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